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Hello i am kim and i am an engima~!
Good luck trying to figure me out
Ik luister graag naar muziek en ben een c(r)ossplayer~!
Ik cosplay Italie van Axis powers hetalia
En Kazutaka Muraki van yami no matsuei/descendents of the darkness
Oftwel een onschuldig land een een dokter die een morrdenaar is....8D
Nog ynm cosplayers in nederland? :l
Now for some hetalia fan thingy's
[x] You start laughing hysterically at maps
[x] You go “Aww” when you see two or more flags together.
[x] You’ve learned more history from it than from an actual history class.
[x] You debate about details like whether the number on America’s back is supposed to be 50 or 96…with supporting screenshots.
[x] You watch APH MADs.
[X] You got a Nico Nico Douga account despite not knowing a single word of Japanese so you could watch even more APH MADs. (HETA ONI~! 8D)
[x] World War II starts sounding romantic.
[] Your teacher asks why you put “Alfred F. Jones” as the answer instead of America, and why you drew a small heart and the name “Arthur” beside it.
(Don't like the pairing but i do draw on my tests)
[] You yell “Yeah, he’s the hero!” whenever someone says America.
[] You misread UK as UKE every single time, and have started mispronouncing it in actual conversation.
[x] You know every country’s flag and location, and people think you must be a huge history nerd, and really, you’ve become one.
[x] You shudder every time you hear the name “Russia” or “Ivan” and quickly glance over your shoulder… just in case.( Become one with mother russia~!)
[x] Whenever you see a fellow Hetalia fan, you shout, “Germaaaannnnyyyyy!” down the hallway. (Niet germany maar wel wat anders...dat geld ook he?)
[x] You write down your favorite pairings all over your history lecture notes, leaving others to wonder what “USxUK”, “Spamano”, “GerIta”, “Giripan”, etc. mean.
[x] You say ''Aru'' at the end off all your sentence's [heb ik weleens gedaan )
[x] You scream ’paaaaaaaaaastaaaaaaaaaaa’ every time you happen to have some. (Duh~! ik moet in character blijven he~ )
[] You can’t imagine a functioning Italian mafia.( I CAN! SNAPPED ITALY FTW!!!!!)
[] You want Prussia back on the map. [nee want hij is 5 vierkante meter op de plaats waar de berlijnse muur nog staat!)]
[x] You can no longer say “international affairs” with a straight face.
[x] No one can mention a country without you thinking about what they look like in Hetalia.
[x] You read a historical book and think it would make a good fanfic.
[x] Other people don’t get it when you say your country’s cute.
[x] You’ve listened to Romano’s Delicious Tomato Song like…80 billion times. [How did you know?]
[] You’re a duke/duchess of Sealand.
[] You’ve become a thousand times more patriotic.(Not for my own country )
[x] You find the NEED to travel the world. Like your life depended on it.
[x] You can’t take history/social studies class seriously anymore.
[] You remember Canada Day BEFORE the 4th of July, as in, you completely forget about America’s birthday. And you’re American
[x] You want to learn every single language in the world. Even the weird ones. [hell yeah]
[x] You recognize which flag belongs to which country, while everyone just looks at you funny.
[x] Everyone who’s named Alfred, Arthur, Peter, Matthew, and Francis is forever linked to Hetalia.
[x] You started using gendered pronouns when talking about countries.
[x] Rather than just being happy that it’s another nation’s Independence Day, you feel the need to rush to the store and get a birthday cake with that nation’s name on it.
[x] Your suggestion for a solution to any world issue is to “SEIZE THEIR VITAL REGIONS!!” Joking or not. ( FUCK YEAH >8D )
[] You suddenly wish that you could retake your boring history classes even though it’s all about other countries invading your country and your country isn’t even in Hetalia. (we only learn about holland and not other country's ;( )
[x] You forced all your otaku friends to love Hetalia. (i forced one but she's not an otaku andddd....i didn't work as to an obsession )
[x] You actually think about spending your savings to buy any useless Hetalia merchandise.
[x] You use fanfiction as a study guide. And it helped.
[x] You thought of putting Hetalia characters on your world map in your room. [Ik zat heel happy te staren naar 1 die ik in de ikea zag ik wou hem hebben!!!! maar....te duur :l ]
[] When they threw the shoe at Bush, you wonder if Alfred managed to duck too/got hit/was laughing his ass off.
[x] You seriously asked your parents if you could go out and travel next summer. [we gaan naar londen ik wil er heen in me italie cosplay... ]
[] You would rather have nation-tan’s military uniforms than any other clothes.
[x] You feel sad that you don’t own a good world history book.
[x] You think about “VITAL” when someone mentions anything that sounds like “regions”.
[x] You can’t stop thinking about fanfiction fanart ideas.
[x] You imagine what it would be like if you were a nation-tan with population of one.[hehe...*blushes* JUp~! ]
[x] You start questioning/looking up your own genetic/ethnic history/make up, just because you want to know if you’re somehow connected to your favorite characters.[100% nederlands]
[x] You had no idea what you were getting yourself into when you first found out about Hetalia, but by the middle of chapter 2 of the main story, you realized you had an imaginary I.V. of Hetalia hooked up straight into your veins.[exactually i saw the anime first ;p ]
[x] You designate all of your friends as a specific country based on their personalities… whether they accept it or not!
[] You find yourself downloading the national anthems of your favourite nations, listening to them frequently and trying to learn the words.[nope ;p how bad of meh :C ]
[] Going to the airport is more fun than going to Disneyland.
[x] You watch protesters burning any country’s flag in the news and you want to cry even if it’s not your country.
[x] You find yourself glued to Discovery, National Geographic and the History Channel and get frustrated when your friends or family ask you to change the channel.
[x] The “special relationship” between the US and the UK takes on a whole new meaning.
[x] Slang or words from other languages/dialects enter your regular speech even though they’re not common in your language/dialect. [Praat zowat de hele dag engels enuhh ben een beetje andere talen aan het leren dus dat komt er soms ook tusse ja]
[x] You travel to a foreign country and find it amusing that you were “in” that country.
[x] Destinations that you would’ve never otherwise heard of, let alone thought of traveling to, enter your list of “places to visit before you die”.
[] You’re considering fandubbing a song that has nothing to do with Hetalia as a Hetalia character.[ik kan niet zingen]
[] You cry at the thought of never getting a chance to see the world before you die.
[] You suddenly start researching for the sake of writing or drawing.
[] You now insist on calling Hello Kitty ‘Shinatty-chan’.
[x] You start buying things because they remind you of a character from Hetalia. And sometimes you really don’t need them. [jup dinge met italie erop i love 8D and other country's to ofcourse!]
[] You spend hours looking at maps trying to see if Sealand’s on any of t$hem. [HIJ IS NIET OP GOOGLE XDDD]
[] You find yourself bragging about the fact that you know that Sealand’s a country and everyone else, even your history teacher, doesn’t. [MHUAHAHA SEALAND KUN IS NO COUNTRY >:DDD ]
[x] You randomly quiz your sister/parents/helpless friends about different countries.
[x] The dimension 5 meters becomes REALLY FUNNY. [HELL YEAH XDD]
[] You don’t mind that you can’t cook because it makes you more similar to Arthur. [I'm not that bad.....i think]
[x] You have dreams about Hetalia characters.[HEEEL VEEEL. ]
[x] You’ve dragged other people into the fandom. [not really......but she does know a few things now ]
[x] you can’t say ‘pasta’ normally anymore - it’s always PASTAAAAAA~~!
[x] No one knows your sense of humor anymore.
zoooo~ klaar~
Good luck trying to figure me out
Ik luister graag naar muziek en ben een c(r)ossplayer~!
Ik cosplay Italie van Axis powers hetalia
En Kazutaka Muraki van yami no matsuei/descendents of the darkness
Oftwel een onschuldig land een een dokter die een morrdenaar is....8D
Nog ynm cosplayers in nederland? :l
Now for some hetalia fan thingy's
[x] You start laughing hysterically at maps
[x] You go “Aww” when you see two or more flags together.
[x] You’ve learned more history from it than from an actual history class.
[x] You debate about details like whether the number on America’s back is supposed to be 50 or 96…with supporting screenshots.
[x] You watch APH MADs.
[X] You got a Nico Nico Douga account despite not knowing a single word of Japanese so you could watch even more APH MADs. (HETA ONI~! 8D)
[x] World War II starts sounding romantic.
[] Your teacher asks why you put “Alfred F. Jones” as the answer instead of America, and why you drew a small heart and the name “Arthur” beside it.
(Don't like the pairing but i do draw on my tests)
[] You yell “Yeah, he’s the hero!” whenever someone says America.
[] You misread UK as UKE every single time, and have started mispronouncing it in actual conversation.
[x] You know every country’s flag and location, and people think you must be a huge history nerd, and really, you’ve become one.
[x] You shudder every time you hear the name “Russia” or “Ivan” and quickly glance over your shoulder… just in case.( Become one with mother russia~!)
[x] Whenever you see a fellow Hetalia fan, you shout, “Germaaaannnnyyyyy!” down the hallway. (Niet germany maar wel wat anders...dat geld ook he?)
[x] You write down your favorite pairings all over your history lecture notes, leaving others to wonder what “USxUK”, “Spamano”, “GerIta”, “Giripan”, etc. mean.
[x] You say ''Aru'' at the end off all your sentence's [heb ik weleens gedaan )
[x] You scream ’paaaaaaaaaastaaaaaaaaaaa’ every time you happen to have some. (Duh~! ik moet in character blijven he~ )
[] You can’t imagine a functioning Italian mafia.( I CAN! SNAPPED ITALY FTW!!!!!)
[] You want Prussia back on the map. [nee want hij is 5 vierkante meter op de plaats waar de berlijnse muur nog staat!)]
[x] You can no longer say “international affairs” with a straight face.
[x] No one can mention a country without you thinking about what they look like in Hetalia.
[x] You read a historical book and think it would make a good fanfic.
[x] Other people don’t get it when you say your country’s cute.
[x] You’ve listened to Romano’s Delicious Tomato Song like…80 billion times. [How did you know?]
[] You’re a duke/duchess of Sealand.
[] You’ve become a thousand times more patriotic.(Not for my own country )
[x] You find the NEED to travel the world. Like your life depended on it.
[x] You can’t take history/social studies class seriously anymore.
[] You remember Canada Day BEFORE the 4th of July, as in, you completely forget about America’s birthday. And you’re American
[x] You want to learn every single language in the world. Even the weird ones. [hell yeah]
[x] You recognize which flag belongs to which country, while everyone just looks at you funny.
[x] Everyone who’s named Alfred, Arthur, Peter, Matthew, and Francis is forever linked to Hetalia.
[x] You started using gendered pronouns when talking about countries.
[x] Rather than just being happy that it’s another nation’s Independence Day, you feel the need to rush to the store and get a birthday cake with that nation’s name on it.
[x] Your suggestion for a solution to any world issue is to “SEIZE THEIR VITAL REGIONS!!” Joking or not. ( FUCK YEAH >8D )
[] You suddenly wish that you could retake your boring history classes even though it’s all about other countries invading your country and your country isn’t even in Hetalia. (we only learn about holland and not other country's ;( )
[x] You forced all your otaku friends to love Hetalia. (i forced one but she's not an otaku andddd....i didn't work as to an obsession )
[x] You actually think about spending your savings to buy any useless Hetalia merchandise.
[x] You use fanfiction as a study guide. And it helped.
[x] You thought of putting Hetalia characters on your world map in your room. [Ik zat heel happy te staren naar 1 die ik in de ikea zag ik wou hem hebben!!!! maar....te duur :l ]
[] When they threw the shoe at Bush, you wonder if Alfred managed to duck too/got hit/was laughing his ass off.
[x] You seriously asked your parents if you could go out and travel next summer. [we gaan naar londen ik wil er heen in me italie cosplay... ]
[] You would rather have nation-tan’s military uniforms than any other clothes.
[x] You feel sad that you don’t own a good world history book.
[x] You think about “VITAL” when someone mentions anything that sounds like “regions”.
[x] You can’t stop thinking about fanfiction fanart ideas.
[x] You imagine what it would be like if you were a nation-tan with population of one.[hehe...*blushes* JUp~! ]
[x] You start questioning/looking up your own genetic/ethnic history/make up, just because you want to know if you’re somehow connected to your favorite characters.[100% nederlands]
[x] You had no idea what you were getting yourself into when you first found out about Hetalia, but by the middle of chapter 2 of the main story, you realized you had an imaginary I.V. of Hetalia hooked up straight into your veins.[exactually i saw the anime first ;p ]
[x] You designate all of your friends as a specific country based on their personalities… whether they accept it or not!
[] You find yourself downloading the national anthems of your favourite nations, listening to them frequently and trying to learn the words.[nope ;p how bad of meh :C ]
[] Going to the airport is more fun than going to Disneyland.
[x] You watch protesters burning any country’s flag in the news and you want to cry even if it’s not your country.
[x] You find yourself glued to Discovery, National Geographic and the History Channel and get frustrated when your friends or family ask you to change the channel.
[x] The “special relationship” between the US and the UK takes on a whole new meaning.
[x] Slang or words from other languages/dialects enter your regular speech even though they’re not common in your language/dialect. [Praat zowat de hele dag engels enuhh ben een beetje andere talen aan het leren dus dat komt er soms ook tusse ja]
[x] You travel to a foreign country and find it amusing that you were “in” that country.
[x] Destinations that you would’ve never otherwise heard of, let alone thought of traveling to, enter your list of “places to visit before you die”.
[] You’re considering fandubbing a song that has nothing to do with Hetalia as a Hetalia character.[ik kan niet zingen]
[] You cry at the thought of never getting a chance to see the world before you die.
[] You suddenly start researching for the sake of writing or drawing.
[] You now insist on calling Hello Kitty ‘Shinatty-chan’.
[x] You start buying things because they remind you of a character from Hetalia. And sometimes you really don’t need them. [jup dinge met italie erop i love 8D and other country's to ofcourse!]
[] You spend hours looking at maps trying to see if Sealand’s on any of t$hem. [HIJ IS NIET OP GOOGLE XDDD]
[] You find yourself bragging about the fact that you know that Sealand’s a country and everyone else, even your history teacher, doesn’t. [MHUAHAHA SEALAND KUN IS NO COUNTRY >:DDD ]
[x] You randomly quiz your sister/parents/helpless friends about different countries.
[x] The dimension 5 meters becomes REALLY FUNNY. [HELL YEAH XDD]
[] You don’t mind that you can’t cook because it makes you more similar to Arthur. [I'm not that bad.....i think]
[x] You have dreams about Hetalia characters.[HEEEL VEEEL. ]
[x] You’ve dragged other people into the fandom. [not really......but she does know a few things now ]
[x] you can’t say ‘pasta’ normally anymore - it’s always PASTAAAAAA~~!
[x] No one knows your sense of humor anymore.
zoooo~ klaar~
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Je mag Rapidash zijn (:
1 decennium geledenVind jij de quizen :Welke Harry Potter Personage valt op jou?
1 decennium geledenleuk?
zo ja zou je me dan willen helpen door:
een berichtje in het gastenboek van Cissy1993 te plaatsen,en te vragen of ze pleez verder wil gaan met haar quizen?
want ze wil pas verder gaan als er meer mensen zijn dan mij die willen dat ze verder gaat
sorry voor het storen
Hhmm let me think...
1 decennium geledenTeentop heeft nog maar twee music videos ' supa luv' en 'clap'
Maar SHINee heeft wel wat meer liedjes zoals 'ring ding don' 'replay' en'lucifer'
Super. -bonamana-sorry sorry-vitory korea
B2st- bad girl-say no
Mblaq. oh yeah
En dbsk heeft ook een hoop leuke zoals -mirotic-survivor-purple line-why did I fall in love with you
Helaas zijn ze nu uit elkaar:'(
het is nu
JYJ(jaejoon yoochun junsu) en TVXQ (changmin yunho)
Beetje veel info maark hoop dat je kpop leuk zal vinden
Have fun listening~!!
Ricky zit in een kpop(korean pop) boyband.
1 decennium geledenZe zijn nog niet zo heel erg bekend want volgensmij bestaan ze net een half jaar of een jaar....-.-"
begrijpelijk ^^
1 decennium geledenmoet ge echt eens kijken ^^
dan zal het ook beter gaan mion en shion uit elkaar te halen ^^
shion is de ergste ^^
en p.s heel da groepje is demonisch...
maar bij shion valt da het ergste op ^^